Welcome to the VMP home page! For more than 80 years, the association of mathematics, physics and CSE students at ETH has been concerned with all kinds of needs of the students of D-MATH and D-PHYS.
We make studying easier and more enjoyable for our members by providing old exams, organizing exam preparation courses, and organizing many great events such as poker and chess tournaments, fondue nights, parties and barbecues. Additionally, the VMP offers you one free coffee per day at our lounge (CAB E31).
The VMP is a students' association of the VSETH.
The exam collection can be found here.
The VMP offers two free coffees a day and five beers a week for its members in the common area of VMP, AMIV and VIS (CAB E31). You can get your very own VMP mug in the VMP office (CAB E33) for 5 CHF.
The VMP board consists of 12 members, each of which is associated with a ressort. We are always on the lookout for potential candidates! If you are interested in joining, please contact us via intern[ät]vmp.ethz.ch
From left to right (upper row): Philipp Wagner (University Politics Physics), Jean-Michel Bergerhausen (Treasury), Annabelle Hafner (External Relations), Julia Krause (Student Affairs), Luis Bungert (Culture), Benjamin Gruzman (Infrastructure). Lower row: Zhu Yu (University Politics Maths), Jerron Agard (Student Affairs), Juliane Malaun (Communication), Arnav Patil (President), Vincent Wenger (Vize President and Culture), Balázs Góczán (IT).
VMP is a Fachverein of VSETH. If you are a member of VSETH and are studying at D-MATH or D-PHYS, you are automatically a member of VMP. You can request VSETH membership by selecting the respective option in MyStudies.
VSETH membership costs CHF 10. This amount will be added directly to the ETH semester bill. From then on you will profit from our services and those of VSETH. By the way: This investment pays off easily, e.g. if you visit the ESF, which is cheaper for VSETH-members than for non-members.
If you want to visit us, just come by our office (see the map below). There will always be someone present during the office hours. Most often we are also present outside of those. Alternatively, you can reach us by telephone, email or even normal mail. Moreover the common room with sofas, a pool table, and the coffee machine (where you get one free coffee a day!) is worth a visit anyways.
Universitaetstr. 6
8092 Zurich
Telephone: +41 44 632 4998
Email: intern[ät]vmp.ethz.ch (which goes to all board members)
(for confidential inquiries please write to praesidium[ät]vmp.ethz.ch)
We have the following office hours during the semester:
CAB Office (CAB E33): Monday - Friday, 12:45 - 13:10
HXE Office (HXE C22): upon request, just contact us
We are always looking for helpers/Organizers for all kinds of events. Become a helper and secure your reward!
Welcome to Phi:male, the commission for equal opportunities in and around VMP!
Do you want to be inspired by some exciting student talks about computational sciences, maths and physics? Come join the undergraduate colloquium, with free food and beer! Wednesdays at 18:15 in room HG G3.