MIC - Masters and International Committee

Formed in early 2022, we are focused on improving the student life of... (you guessed it) Masters' and international students!

What we do

We organise and run events targeted specifically at the English-speaking student body, to help you meet others and to integrate you more in the VMP Universe. Come along for a guaranteed good time! Look for events labelled MIC in the VMP newsletters or the events page :)

We are also a first port of call for specific issues you might face - from housing and course choice, to finding supervisors and not knowing german. We are dedicated to collaborate with HoPoKo to improve you experience.

Who we are

The current board members are:

  • Leon Renkin (president) 
  • Markus Verlemann
  • Paul Stephan
  • Esty Gusak
  • Han-Miru Kim

Interested in joining? Reach out!

Contact us


You can also email the board members directory by <nethz>@vmp.ethz.ch (the nethz can be found in the directory), or stop us in the street for a chat (we promise we don't bite we're nice).


MIC drop


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Join the KuMa

We are always looking for helpers/Organizers for all kinds of events. Become a helper and secure your reward!

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Phi:male Commission

Welcome to Phi:male, the commission for equal opportunities in and around VMP!

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Do you want to be inspired by some cool and modern CSE, maths and physics topics presented by your fellow students? Come to our weekly undergraduate talks, with an Apéro afterwards! Every Tuesdayfrom 12:15 to 13:00 in room HG G5.