HoPoKo - Universiy Politics Committee


The university politics committee (short "HoPoKo") meets up 2-3 times per semester, everyone interested in university politics (i.e. lecture evaluations, changes of the curriculum, etc.) can participate. These meetings are led by the HoPoKo Presidium and address all important topics at D-MATH and D-PHYS. All mathematics, physics and CSE students are dearly invited to join these meetings and the discussions!

Furthermore, you can participate in various working groups or even found one yourself! In the past semesters, for example, we had a working group on sustainability, a working group on code of conduct and a working group on engagement. Come to the HoPoKo if you want to learn more about these and other working groups!

If you are interested in joining us, just send an e-mail to hopo@vmp.ethz.ch so we can keep you updated! On this occasion we can also give you more information on how to stay active and up to date between HoPoKo meetings.

All members of the HoPoKo receive regular updates about what is going on in various committees at ETH. Students who are active in university politics are also invited to the HoPoKo committee dinner at the end of each semester.


President of the HoPoKo: Jonas Spiller (E-Mail)


The Departement Conference (DK)

The Departement conference is the highest panel in any departement. Twice every semester, delegates of the lecturers, scientific, administrative and technical staff as well as representatives of the students meet to discuss matters of importance for the entire demartement. Here, the new director of studies is elected, new professorships are discussed and a variety of applications is decided on.

VMP is invited to the DK of D-PHYS and D-MATH. For the Summer Semester 2024 our delegates are:

Delegates of D-PHYS:

  • Matej Rebro
  • Vitus Getzinger
  • Felicitas van Dyck
  • Marco Curschellas
  • Fiona Sacher
  • Ira Himstedt
  • Theo Lequy
  • (Dep.)Jonas Spiller
  • (Dep.) Jasper Aden
  • (Dep.) Arnav Patil


Delegates of D-MATH

  • Elias Krainer
  • Klara Sasse
  • Jana Lea Fuchs
  • Lily Watanabe
  • Thomas Heinz
  • (Dep.) Tobias Robert Eeksmann
  • (Dep.) Hannah Vogel
  • (Dep.) Tanja Srindran
  • (Dep.) Julia Dürr
  • (Dep.) Fabio Guger


The teaching committee (UK)

The teaching committee gathers twice a semester. First, the delegates of D-MATH and D-PHYS discuss problems and strategies that concern both departements at the common-UK (Gem-UK). After that, the meeting is split up and the departements keep discussing in a smaller group. Here there are three representatives of each, the lecturers, the scientific staff and the students. The UK discusses topics concerning the studies and especially the teaching.


At the UK in WS 24 we are represented by the following students:


Delegates of D-PHYS

  • Fynn Hufler
  • Matej Rebro
  • Marco Curschellas
  • (Dep.) Jonas Spiller
  • (Dep.) Arnav Patil


Delegates of D-MATH - Mathematics

  • Elias Krainer
  • Fabio Guger
  • Thomas Heinz
  • (Dep.) Klara Sasse
  • (Dep.) Julia Dürr
  • (Dep.) Hannah Vogel


Delegation of D-MATH - RW

  • Paul Ochs
  • Tanja Srindran
  • Lily Watanabe
  • (Dep.) Jana Lea Fuchs


The Grading Conference (NoK)

All exams of the assessment year and all examintion blocks are discussed at the grading conference. This ensures that all lecturers take exams in accordance with the current regulations. At the NoK the grade average can be adapted to fit the previous years. One of the main aspects of the meeting however is the discussion of 'edge cases'. These are students whose grades are just below 4.0. They are then discussed separately and in some cases their grades can be adapted to make them pass.

Delegates of D-PHYS

  • Jonas Spiller
  • (Dep.) Ida Dittrich


Delegates of D-MATH

  • Raphael Angst
  • (Dep.) Klara Sasse

Delegates of D-MATH - CSE

  • Paul Ochs
  • Jana Lea Fuchs
  • (Dep.) Roman Svoboda
  • (Dep.) Elizaveta Polupanova


The Department committee (DA)

There is a DA for both D-MATH and D-PHYS, however only at D-PHYS a student representative is invited. At these meetings the delegates discuss things such as the departements budget. 

The current D-PHYS student representative is Matej Rebro (deputy Jonas Spiller).

If you are interested in becoming a representative: feel free to contact us any time for more information.


The Study Association Council (FR)


The Study Association Council is the small legislative body and decides, for example, on VSETH’s university policy strategy. It is also the body that supervises the Board. The FR meets every three weeks during the semester; an important function is also the networking of the study associations among themselves. One delegate per study association is entitled to vote.

At the moment Fabio Guger (deputy Arnav Patil) is the FR delegate for the VMP.


The Member's Council (MR)

The Members’ Council is the large legislative body and decides on everything that cannot be decided by other bodies. This includes, for example, the budget, elections and amendments to the statutes. The MR meets three times a year. Eligible to vote is one representative per commission, one representative of the staff, and at least 3 representatives per study association, depending on size (up to a total of 40 study association representatives).

Der VMP has the following delegates at the MR:

  • Fabio Guger
  • Julia Dürr
  • Leonard Knirsch
  • Surafel Stritz
  • Arnav Patil
  • Joshua Fischer
  • Jérôme Hofstetter
  • Lily Watanabe
  • Roman Svoboda
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Phi:male Commission

Welcome to Phi:male, the commission for equal opportunities in and around VMP!

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Do you want to be inspired by some cool and modern CSE, maths and physics topics presented by your fellow students? Come to our weekly undergraduate talks, with an Apéro afterwards! Every Tuesdayfrom 12:15 to 13:00 in room HG G5.