
The statutes and regulations of VMP can be found  here. (Last updated: 02. April 2024).


Code of Conduct

You can find the VMP Code of Conduct here. It contains information about how we expect our members to behave at all events and is a basis for a respectful atmosphere in the association.

A bit broader are the VMP event participation policy.

Board Meeting

The VMP board conducts weekly board meetings to discuss board matters. At the moment, the board meetings take place every thursday. If you are interested in participating in one, you can write a mail to praesi[ät]

The protocols of past board meetings can be found here (in German).


General assmebly

The VMP holds a general assembly every semester (in FS: mostly beginning of march, in HS: mostly beginning of october). As VMP member you will get an invitation by mail. At the general assembly we elect new board members, vote on the budget of the next year, and make decisions about the future of the VMP. If you want to contribute or have an idea for a new event, come over! The agenda closes one week prior to the assembly.

The protocols of past general assemblies can be found here (in German).

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Join the KuMa

We are always looking for helpers/Organizers for all kinds of events. Become a helper and secure your reward!

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Phi:male Commission

Welcome to Phi:male, the commission for equal opportunities in and around VMP!

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Do you want to be inspired by some exciting student talks about computational sciences, maths and physics? Come join the undergraduate colloquium, with free food and beer! Wednesdays at 18:15 in room HG G3.