KuMa (Culture Comission)

We are the culture comission, we consist of our presidium, the KuMa board and especially you as members. Because you are a very important part of KuMa and if you are reading this text, you are already on the right way to become an active part of it. You can come to our meetings and have a say in the events of the coming semester or become part of an OC or just help and get free entry to events. We always need motivated helpers, because without them no events would be possible.

Our board of directors


Vincent Wenger, vincent.wenger@vmp.ethz.ch

Board of Directors

To all kuma@vmp.ethz.ch

Helping Out

Have you always wanted to stand behind a bar, be a dealer at a poker tournament or generally look behind the scenes of an event? For just a little work you get free entry to many events :) On the KuMa Slack you can find in the general channel the volunteer forms and a lot of other spicy info where you can get free food or entry to parties! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE SLACK WITHOUT OBLIGATION! IF THE LINK DOESN'T WORK CLICK ON A KULTURI OF YOUR CHOICE :)

Organization Committee (OC)

Want to help organize an event? Come to our KuMa meeting and you can become part of an OC and meet new people to help you. At KuMaSi we are looking for OCs for all upcoming events and if you have an idea yourself, you can bring it up there. There are events for every level of commitment, you can co-organize a small event like the skate or a big one like the bug grill, so there is something for everyone.


If you want to come to one of our sessions, we will always let you know ahead of time and email you more info. Usually there is a KuMaSi (KuMa Meeting) at the beginning and end of the semester. It will be listed on the VMP website. Just come by and have a look there will be food!

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Join the KuMa

We are always looking for helpers/Organizers for all kinds of events. Become a helper and secure your reward!

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Phi:male Commission

Welcome to Phi:male, the commission for equal opportunities in and around VMP!

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Do you want to be inspired by some cool and modern CSE, maths and physics topics presented by your fellow students? Come to our weekly undergraduate talks, with an Apéro afterwards! Every Tuesdayfrom 12:15 to 13:00 in room HG G5.