VAMP - The VMP Journal

The journal of the association of math and physics students is published twice each semester. Besides the latest news about the association and university policy, it contains interesting reports and articles by students, interviews with professors as well as announcements of upcoming events.


Do you want to present a field of mathematics or physics to a broader public, find out what your professor really does, cover the party of last Thursday, present riddles, research the ETH or other institutions, give your two cents on the state of the nation, do some investigative journalism and uncover the disgraceful state of affairs at the department or just want to write a really good article?

We need you! Write us and become part of the editorial team.

Contact us at:


Lectors and Designers

Do you have no grasp of German orthography? No problem. Our team of lectors will edit your articles! Do you have no grasp of the German language in general? Also no problem. Articles in English and other languages are always welcome! We are also always looking for motivated helpers in layout and graphic design contact us at the VAMP. We would be happy to have you!



VAMP Archive

You can click here to get to our vamp archive with all the old and new VAMPs!

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Join the KuMa

We are always looking for helpers/Organizers for all kinds of events. Become a helper and secure your reward!

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Phi:male Commission

Welcome to Phi:male, the commission for equal opportunities in and around VMP!

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Do you want to be inspired by some exciting student talks about computational sciences, maths and physics? Come join the undergraduate colloquium, with free food and beer! Wednesdays at 18:15 in room HG G3.