There are spokespeople for all lectures in the first year. They are your contact persons for problems or wishes regarding the lectures.
The spokespeople for this semester (SS23) are:
for Analysis I
- Peter Backes (pbackes@student.ethz.ch) and
- Max Chengshang(lchengshang@student.ethz.ch) for mathematics
- Ava Farahvash (afarahvash@student.ethz.ch) and
- Hamide Koch (kochha@student.ethz.ch) for physics
- Janosch Jörg (jjoerg@student.ethz.ch) for PCN
for Physik I
- Kim Grob (kigrob@student.ethz.ch) und
- Max Chengshang (lchengshang@student.ethz.ch) for mathematics
- Noah Kessinger (nkessinger@student.ethz.ch) and
- Julie Völkert (jvoelkert@student.ethz.ch) and
- Jesse Bartelt (jbartelt@student.ethz.ch) and
- Cassandra Kahn (ckahn01@student.ethz.ch) for physics
- Janosch Jörg (jjoerg@student.ethz.ch) for PCN
for Linear Algebra I
- Kim Grob (kigrob@student.ethz.ch) and
- Max Chengshang (lchengshang@student.ethz.ch) for mathematics
- Pascal Bertrand (pbertrand@student.ethz.ch) and
- Theo Töpfer (ttoepfer@student.ethz.ch) and
- Nestor Kontaxakis (nkontaxakis@student.ethz.ch) for physics
- Janosch Jörg (jjoerg@student.ethz.ch) for PCN
for Informatics I
- Chengshang Liu (lchengshang@student.ethz.ch) for mathematics
- Théodor Töpfer (ttoepfer@student.ethz.ch) and
- Julian Hoyer (jhoyer@student.ethz.ch) and
- Advait Dhingra (adhingra@student.ethz.ch) and
- Lorenz Weingart (lweingart@student.ethz.ch) for physics
- Janosch Jörg (jjoerg@student.ethz.ch) for PCN
for CSE:
The spokespersons for the CSE first year are Alexandra Tchoulgaeva (atchoulgaeva@student.ethz.ch)
and Raphael Caixeta (rcaixeta@student.ethz.ch).
The spokespeople for all other courses of the first year can be found