
There are spokespeople for all lectures in the first year. They are your contact persons for problems or wishes regarding the lectures.

The spokespeople for this semester (SS23) are:


for Analysis I

  • Peter Backes (pbackes@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Max Chengshang(lchengshang@student.ethz.ch) for mathematics
  • Ava Farahvash (afarahvash@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Hamide Koch (kochha@student.ethz.ch) for physics
  • Janosch Jörg (jjoerg@student.ethz.ch) for PCN


for Physik I

  • Kim Grob (kigrob@student.ethz.ch) und
  • Max Chengshang (lchengshang@student.ethz.ch) for mathematics
  • Noah Kessinger (nkessinger@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Julie Völkert (jvoelkert@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Jesse Bartelt (jbartelt@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Cassandra Kahn (ckahn01@student.ethz.ch) for physics
  • Janosch Jörg (jjoerg@student.ethz.ch) for PCN

for Linear Algebra I

  • Kim Grob (kigrob@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Max Chengshang (lchengshang@student.ethz.ch) for mathematics
  • Pascal Bertrand (pbertrand@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Theo Töpfer (ttoepfer@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Nestor Kontaxakis (nkontaxakis@student.ethz.ch) for physics
  • Janosch Jörg (jjoerg@student.ethz.ch) for PCN


for Informatics I

  • Chengshang Liu (lchengshang@student.ethz.ch) for mathematics
  • Théodor Töpfer (ttoepfer@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Julian Hoyer (jhoyer@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Advait Dhingra (adhingra@student.ethz.ch) and
  • Lorenz Weingart (lweingart@student.ethz.ch) for physics
  • Janosch Jörg (jjoerg@student.ethz.ch) for PCN


for CSE:

The spokespersons for the CSE first year are Alexandra Tchoulgaeva (atchoulgaeva@student.ethz.ch)
and Raphael Caixeta (rcaixeta@student.ethz.ch).

The spokespeople for all other courses of the first year can be found 


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Phi:male Commission

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Do you want to be inspired by some cool and modern CSE, maths and physics topics presented by your fellow students? Come to our weekly undergraduate talks, with an Apéro afterwards! Every Tuesdayfrom 12:15 to 13:00 in room HG G5.